Neovim Go Template Formatting


This cost me some time googling and fiddling around with my config, so here is a quick setup on how to get Go’s html/template format working with neovim. This template syntax is also used by Hugo (which I use for this page).

First, install a formatter which is able to format Go’s template syntax:

npm install --save-dev prettier prettier-plugin-go-template

To tell prettier to use this plugin for the current folder (and subfolders), use the following .prettierrc file:

    "plugins": [
    "overrides": [
            "files": [
            "options": {
                "parser": "go-template"

Now all thats left is tell neovim to run prettier when formatting. This depends on the formatting setup you are using. Because I am using conform.nvim, I configured it to use prettier by default for HTML:

return {
  event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" },
  cmd = { "ConformInfo" },
  keys = {
    -- [...]
  opts = {
    formatters_by_ft = {
      templ = { "templ" },
      go = { "goimports", "gofmt" },
      html = { "prettier" }
    format_on_save = { timeout_ms = 500, lsp_format = "fallback" },

Thats it! Saving the file will now autoformat with the correct formatting for Go’s text/html templates.

See Also